

Meta (Facebook) places a strong emphasis on cultural fit. They often probe for alignment with their core values and 'hacker' culture. Questions might revolve around teamwork, problem-solving, and handling challenging situations

Interview Questions

Describe a time when you had to adapt to significant changes in your work environment.

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How do you approach problem-solving when faced with a challenge you've never encountered before?

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How do you measure your success?

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How do you describe your job to people outside the industry?

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Discuss our lack of an architect role.

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How do you build a team?

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How do you keep people motivated?

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What is the point of a 1:1?

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Discuss Facebook's trajectory as you see it. What choices do they think were good and bad? Would you have done things differently? What problems do you see coming up in the future?

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Think of a mistake or failure you’ve made in the past two years. What did you learn from it and/or do differently in the future?

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How do you institute the right process at the right time? How do you know when you need something more formal?

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Have they ever removed process? Why or why not?

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