What to Say When You Don’t Have a Story in Behavioral Interviews

What to Say When You Don’t Have a Story in Behavioral Interviews

By Vidal Graupera on 5/15/2023

Behavioral interviews are a common part of job interview processes. They're designed to understand how you've behaved in certain situations in the past, to predict how you might behave in the future. But what happens when you don't have a specific story or experience that fits the interviewer's question?

Don't worry – you're not alone. Many candidates face this situation. And the good news is, there are several ways to navigate this without resorting to fabrication or stretching the truth. In this guide, we'll explore strategies you can employ to impress your interviewer, even without a relevant story to share.

Avoid Lies or Manufactured Stories

It might be tempting to concoct a story in response to a behavioral interview question, but remember – honesty is always the best policy. Interviewers are often experienced enough to detect inconsistencies, and if your story doesn't add up under scrutiny, it could leave a negative impression.

Leverage Observations and Lessons from Others

Just because you haven't personally experienced a scenario doesn't mean you haven't learned from it. If a boss, colleague, mentor, or another figure in your professional journey has dealt with a similar situation, share that story and what you learned from it. Ensure to focus on what you absorbed from their experience and how you would apply the learning in your future role.

Draw on Your Theoretical Knowledge and Learning

Not all learning comes from first-hand experience. Perhaps you've gleaned insights from books, podcasts, workshops, or even online forums that apply to the situation. You can draw from these to construct a response. It’s important to clarify that while you haven't personally dealt with the situation, your continuous learning has equipped you with the knowledge to handle such scenarios in the future.

Convey Your Problem-Solving and Adaptability Skills

When you don't have a specific experience to share, you have an opportunity to showcase your problem-solving abilities. You can analyze the hypothetical situation, and outline a step-by-step strategy of how you would tackle it, demonstrating your critical thinking and adaptability skills in the process.


Facing a behavioral interview question when you don't have a direct experience doesn't mean you're at a disadvantage. It's an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to learn from others, adapt, and apply theoretical knowledge. By preparing ahead and focusing on these strategies, you'll be ready to turn any behavioral interview question into an opportunity to shine.

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